Product catalog
- Bactericidal irradiator-recirculators
- Milk quality analyzers
- Analyzer of somatic cells in milk
- Analyzer of freezing point in milk
- Kieldahl system (analysis of nitrogen protein)
- Moisture analyzers
- Preparation of milk samples
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From the history of creating of ultrasonic milk analyzers
Moisture Analyzer or Universal Moisture Meter. Characteristics. Types. Purpose and application.
Determination of the mass fraction of the nitrogen according to Kjeldahl method and the mass fraction of protein
Our distributor in South Korea: Scalecenter CORPORATIONCity: SeoulAddress: #308, Taesung Bldg 3F, 199-1, Jangsa-dong, Jongno-Gu, 110-430, Seoul, KoreaEmail: hongkkim@hanmail.netPhone: +82-2-2269-0529Contact: Mr. Hong Kyuem
Our distributor and authorized representative for after-sales service and customers support in India: IDEC (Indian Dairy Equipment Co.)City: DelhiAddress: 364, Azad Market, New Delhi - 110 006, Delhi, IndiaPhone: +91 11 23612050/23615823Contact: Rajeev Thukral
Our distributor in India: TARA InternationalCity: MUMBAIAddress: Off.: “Shree Mangal”, Off. No. 1-2, Derasar Lane, Haridas Nagar, Borivali West, MUMBAI 400092, M.S., IndiaPhone: +91 22 28997201Contact: Bharatkumar M. Davda
Our distributor in India: BENNY IMPEX PRIVATE LIMITEDCity: New DelhiAddress: Regd.Off.: B-209, Naraina Industrial Area Phase – 1 New Delhi – 110028 IndiaEmail: bennyimpex@airtelmail.inPhone: +91(11)25 894800Contact: Karan NangiaWeb:
Our distributor in Indonesia: PT Agriya AnalitikaCity: JakartaAddress: Jl. Puri Ayu Raya T7 no. T33, Puri Indah, Jakarta, 11610, IndonesiaEmail: office@agriya-analitika.comPhone: +62 21 5830 4791Contact: Monica Suyanto
Our distributor in Greece: AnalytiKa TMCity: AthensAddress: L. Mavili & Nikis 17 , Larisa, Postal Code: 41221Email: larisa@analytika.grPhone: 2410535822Contact: Mr. Ioannidis KonstantinosWeb:
Our distributor in Turkey: HASVET MEDİKAL DANIŞMANLIK İLETİŞİM BİLGİLERİCity: ANTALYAAddress: Aspendos Blv. Mehmetcik St, N 1242, Anda Business Center, Block B, No:2 / 07300 Muratpaşa/ANTALYAPhone: +90 242 323 94 91 – (112)Contact: Arzu ÖZSAN ÇORBACI, Mert BİLGİWeb:
Our distributor in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Poslovni sistem Cerovic S&O dooCity: BeogradAddress: 11000 Beograd , Serbia, Europa, Ul. Svetozara Markovica br.79/3, PO Box 105Email: scerovic@beotel.rsPhone: 00 381 11 3619 - 688Contact: Srdjan Cerovic Dr.Vet.Med., Prim.dr. Jasmina Tekic PhD
Our representative in Estonia: AGRO INSTRUMENT LTD.City: TallinnAddress: J. Kunderi 40-14, 10121, Tallinn EstoniaEmail: kontakt@agroinstrument.eePhone: +372 60 09 108Contact: Vladimir Masterov
Our distributor in Armenia, Iran, Georgia: “Larry” Cheese Makers Union of ArmeniaCity: YerevanAddress: Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Sayat-Nova str., 35, office 22Phone: (+37410) 57-11-85Contact: Armen Gigoyan
Our distributor in Belorussia: “AgroPromIntegratsia”City: MinskAddress: Minsk, Gurtsky str., 31, office 10Email: api-2002@mail.ruPhone: (+375 17) 252-05-76
Our Distributor in Ukraine: “AVERS”City: ZhitomirAddress: 10031, Zhitomir, Marshal Rybalko str., 28Email: (+380412) 418814Contact: Vladimir GolovkoWeb:
Our Distributor in Slovakia: “Biodiary”City: BratislavaAddress: Grosslingova 59, 811 09 Bratislava, SlovakiaEmail: info@biodiary.euPhone: +421 904 927 517Contact: Vasily KazarezovWeb: